LFT Airport Commissioners


Lafayette Regional Airport commissioners represent all areas of Lafayette parish. The city-parish council, city-parish president and area mayors appoint the commission. The seven-member volunteer commission performs operations and marketing-related tasks on an ongoing basis. The commissioners work with airport staff to coordinate business development with potential customers. Additionally, the commissioners act as ambassadors for the airport through their interaction with community and government leaders.

  • Samuel Pierre
    Samuel Pierre Chairperson
    City Council
    District 5 Appointee
    Appointed to First Term:
    Reappointed to Second Term
    11/1/23- 10/31/27


  • Tim Breaux
    Tim Breaux Vice Chairperson
    City Council
    Appointed to First Term:
    11/1/20 – 10/31/24
    Reappointed to Second Term
  • Patrick Edmond, Sr.
    Patrick Edmond, Sr. Secretary/Treasurer

    City Council Appointee
    Appointed to First Term:

  • Paul Segura
    Paul Segura Commissioner
    Mayor/President Appointee
    Unexpired Term:
    11/6/07 – 7/1/08
    Appointed to First Term:
    7/1/08 – 7/3/12
    Reappointed to Second Term:
    7/3/12  –  7/3/16
    Reappointed to Third Term:
    7/4/16  –  7/3/20
    *Pursuant to Joint Ordinance No. JO-061-2020 Section 5B, Commissioners continue to serve until their successor is appointed.
  • Terry Hurd
    Terry Hurd Commissioner

    Parish Council Rural Appointee

    Unexpired term:

    Reappointed to First Term:

    Reappointed to Second Term:

  • Emilie Duhon
    Emilie Duhon Commissioner

    Parish Council Rural Appointee

    Unexpired Term:
    07/10/24 – 10/31/25

  • Carlos Stout
    Carlos Stout Commissioner

    Area Mayors’ Appointee First Term: 10/9/24 – 10/8/28