Environmental Management
Environmental Management
At the Lafayette Regional Airport, our goal is to be one of the leading airports when it comes to managing and caring for our local environment. We recognize that growth needs to be managed to strike the right balance between the social and environmental impacts of the airport and the benefits we bring the area. Read on to discover more about the environmental effects of the airport operations and our initiatives to limit their impacts.
Click on the links below to jump to a topic:
• Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System Program
• Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
• Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan
• Construction Site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
• Building, Equipment, and Vehicle Washing Information
• QTA Facility Carwash LUS Discharge Permit Information
• Aircraft Lavatory Waste Tirturator Facility Discharge Permit Information
Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System (MS4) Program
Under the LPDES General Permit for Discharges from Regulated sMS4s, the Lafayette Airport Commission (LAC) is required to develop a comprehensive Stormwater Management Program for the entire LAC property. To find out more on the work the Lafayette Airport Commission is doing for its Public Education and Outreach, Public Involvement/Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control, Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operators Programs click on the links below.
- Small MS4 Permit Annual Report
- Stormwater Management Plan
- MS4 Area Boundary Map
- Notice of Intent
- Enforcement Process Overview Flow Chart
- Compliance and Enforcement Regulation
- SWMP Training and Presentation
An illicit discharge is any discharge to a storm drain that is not composed entirely of stormwater unless covered by a LDEQ discharge permit. Examples of illicit discharges include rinsing paint brushes into a storm drain, contractor directly pumping soil laden water into a storm drain, and spilled material entering the storm drainage system such as fuels or oils. Illicit discharges contribute high levels of pollutants, including heavy metals, oil and grease, solvents, viruses, and bacteria to receiving water bodies. Pollutant levels from these discharges have been shown to be high enough to significantly degrade receiving water quality and threaten aquatic, wildlife, and human health.
If you observe an illicit discharge on LAC property, report this occurrence to LAC by completing the Compliant Section of the Incident reporting form below and emailing it to LAC at the email address found under the contact information section.
Post Construction Stormwater refers to the difference in rainwater runoff from an area before and after development. As wilderness areas such as swamps, prairies, and forests are developed into cities, streets and residential areas the amount of water and pollutants that runoff during a rain event into the nearest waterway increases substantially. The increase in runoff leads to flooding, loss of fish, erosion and property loss. Along with the increased runoff come increases in pollutants which enter the waterways. Some of the most common are trash, fertilizers, oils and pesticides. These pollutants can cause increased algae growth and introduce toxic substances into the water and food chain that can impact your ability to fish, swim and enjoy our waterways.
Around the country cities are enacting a variety of requirements in an attempt to lessen the impacts that development causes on waterways. The most common and most cost effective ways that this is managed is by bring nature back to developed areas by incorporating trees, native plants, wetland area and ponds into designs. These additions slow the flow of rainwater from a site giving the water more time to flow into the soil to replenish groundwater. They can also remove pollutants from the water by filtering or giving pollutants chance to settle out prior to the water flowing into a waterway.
Click here for more information on Post Construction Runoff.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
The purpose of our SWPPP is to identify sources of pollution potentially affect the quality of storm water discharges or runoff from Lafayette Regional Airport and ensure implementation of practices to minimize and control pollutants in runoff. This is an important portion of the airports environmental program since almost all of the rain water that falls on the airport discharges directly in Bayou Vermillion or Bayou Tortue (Click here to view).
- Tenant Facility Team Member Designation Form
- Deicing Usage Information Form
- SWPPP Training and Presentation
- Best Management Practices Guidebook
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan
This Plan is to outline procedures to prevent the discharge of oils and hazardous substances to waterways (Click here to view).
Construction Site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
This program is to help contractors adequately implement the requirements of their construction stormwater discharge permit and provide requirements for contractors that are not required to obtain a permit. Below are helpful links for contractors with links to permits, notices and summaries of environmental requirements that should be met during a construction project.
- LDEQ Construction General Permit for construction site with less than 5 ac and greater than 1 ac of exposed soil
- LDEQ Construction General Permit for construction site with greater than 5 ac of exposed soil
- Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Development Resources
- Airport Summaries of Environmental Requirements for Contractors
- EPA Construction Inspection Training Course
- LAC Construction Stormwater Training Presentation
Building, Equipment, and Vehicle Washing Information
The LAC has a Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) Discharge of Exterior Vehicle Wash Water Permit which allows airport tenants and LAC to wash vehicles and equipment only in certain areas of the airport. A map showing the locations of the permitted washing areas is provided in the below link. The permit sets certain requirements that must be met to conduct washing in these areas. Brochures detailing washing requirements can be found in the informational brochure section of this page.
- Wash Area Location Map
- 2019 LDEQ Wash Water Discharge Permit Approval Letter
- List of Soaps Reviewed for Permit Compliance
- Wash Rack Usage Information Form
- Training & Presentation
Contractors or tenants working on LAC property, conducting activities such as pressure washing utilizing any additives or soaps must be permitted with the LDEQ. A detailed discussion of environmental requirements for contractors working on airport property is included in the Construction Site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program section of this page. Tenants conducting activities such as building or stationary equipment washing using soap should also have a permit with the LDEQ if the water will discharge to any storm drain, ditch, etc. Information on the required permit is provided below. Part I Section A of the Discharge of Exterior Vehicle Wash Water Permit discusses the activities to which the permit applies.
QTA Facility Carwash LUS Discharge Permit Information
LUS issues permits which detail requirements or best management practices (BMPs) that have to be met in order to discharge wastewater from the carwash to the sanitary sewer system. These permits are required by the Environmental Protection Agency to prevent the discharge of chemicals to the sewer system that could interfere with the wastewater treatment plant and cause untreated wastewater to enter our bayous and lakes.
The Lafayette Airport Commission (LAC) obtained a permit from LUS to discharge the wastewater from the carwash to the sanitary sewer system. This permit required LAC to develop a Pollution Prevention Plan (P3) and Slug Loading Plan (SLP) for the QTA Carwash Facility. This permit covers all users of the facility.
- Pollution Prevention Plan, Slug Loading Plan and other documents
- Chemical Inventory
- QTA LUS Permit Training Brochure
- LFT QTA Activation Guidebook
- Training Presentation
- Training Documentation Sheet
- Chemical Inventory List Form
- User Annual Inspection Form
Aircraft Lavatory Waste Tirturator Facility Discharge Permit Information
LUS issues permits which detailed requirements or best management practices (BMPs) that have to be met in order to discharge aircraft lavatory wastewater to the sanitary sewer system. These permits are required by the Environmental Protection Agency to prevent the discharge of chemicals to the sewer system that could interfere with the wastewater treatment plant and cause untreated wastewater to enter our bayous and lakes.
The Lafayette Airport Commission (LAC) obtained a permit from LUS to discharge the wastewater from aircraft lavatories to the sanitary sewer system. This permit required LAC to develop a Pollution Prevention Plan (P3) and Slug Loading Plan (SLP) for the Aircraft Lavatory Waste Tirturator Facility. This permit covers all users of the facility.
- Pollution Prevention Plan and Slug Loading Plan
- Tirturator Activation Guide Book
- Training Presentation
- Slug Release Log
- LUS Discharge Permit
Waste management is a critical part of protecting our community. Nearly every activity we do generates some kind of waste. Improper waste management can create environmental problems, health problems and even economic concerns from an eyesore to releases of toxins to our drinking water. Louisiana spends about 40 million dollars a year on litter cleanup and the federal government spends billions of dollars cleaning up hazardous waste dumping sites or Superfund Sites. Lessoning these environmental, health and economic damages through prevention is why regulations were put in place by the Environmental Protection Agency and Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), passed in 1976, created the framework for waste management programs. Materials regulated by RCRA are known as “solid wastes.” A “solid waste” means any garbage or refuse, sludge or other discarded material. There are two types of solid waste: hazardous or nonhazardous. Non-hazardous waste is all waste that is not considered to be a hazardous waste. A hazardous waste is a waste that is potentially dangerous to your health or the environment. Examples of hazardous wastes are paints, pesticides, fuels, solvents, acids, etc. There are four types of hazardous waste: listed, characteristic, universal and mixed. To learn more about wastes review the bullets below and check out the brochures on waste located in the Informational Brochure section.
To encourage proper waste management, the Lafayette Airport offers recycling services in the airport terminal. Items such as paper, plastics and aluminum can be placed in the recycling bins located throughout the terminal building. Please note that liquids, food items, styrofoam and glass should not be placed in the recycling bins.
The LAC was required by the Clean Air Act to be covered under a Minor Source Air Permit issued by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. The permit’s goal is to limit, or completely remove, opportunities for releasing substances with potential to negatively affect air quality. According to the EPA poor air quality can affect all of us and our community by effecting people’s health, including asthma attacks, bronchitis, respiratory symptoms, and premature mortality. Certain types of outdoor air pollution can impair visibility and, when deposited surfaces damage forests, lakes and streams, and building and road surfaces. A “source” is a facility or it’s equipment that has the potential to release air pollutants to the environment such as fuel tanks, engines and refrigeration equipment. LAC owns and operates equipment and also has equipment that Tenants operate and LAC owns which are covered under LAC’s Air Permit. LAC’s Air Permit and information on how LAC meets these requirements can be found in the below links.
- Air Permit
- Housekeeping and Maintenance Plan
- Equipment Inspection Checklist
- Malfunction or Deviation Corrective Action From
Voluntary Aviation Easement Purchase Program
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved the Lafayette Regional Airport to acquire Aviation Easements for property within the Airport’s Noise Exposure Map. The FAA has funded a program to purchase those Aviation Easements in the areas shown HERE.
FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program
The Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act (ASNA) was established by Congress in 1979 as a means to provide technical and financial support for airport noise compatibility planning. Under ASNA, the Secretary of Transportation was charged with the responsibility to establish a single system of measuring noise at airports, determine noise exposure, and identify compatible land uses. Thus, in 1981, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) established Title 14 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning.
Through ASNA, airport operators voluntarily prepare airport Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) and Noise Compatibility Programs (NCPs) and submit these materials to the FAA for review. Federal funding is available to the Airport Sponsor to conduct this work. The NEM is a graphic depiction of noise exposure around an airport in current and future operational conditions. Based on the NEM, an NCP is prepared that sets forth the measures an airport operator proposes to take, in order to reduce existing non-compatible land uses and minimize additional non-compatible land uses around the airport.
The Part 150 program provides a comprehensive approach to both prevention and mitigation of airport noise in a community, seeks recommendations from interested parties throughout the development of the program, and provides for funding of eligible items through the Federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP). Furthermore, the NCP is primarily conducted to benefit the areas surrounding an airport.
See the Full FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program HERE.
See the Record of Approval from the FAA HERE.
FAR Part 150 Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs)
The Part 150 process was established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on February 28, 1981, as a part to the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and is listed under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 150, commonly referred to as “Part 150.” The most recent revision of Part 150 was accomplished by Amendment 150-4, which became effective on September 24, 2004. Title 14 of the CFR part 150, prescribes the procedures, standards, and methodology governing the development, submission, and review of airport Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) and airport Noise Compatibility Programs (NCPs), including the process for evaluating and approving or disapproving those programs.
The NEM is a graphic depiction of the aviation noise exposure on and around an airport for existing and future operational conditions. NEMs also depict the non-compatible land uses within designated noise contours.
See the Full FAR Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Analysis HERE.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Program
In an effort to ensure that all practicable means and measures are used to support the general welfare where by maintaining or creating conditions where people and nature can endure in productive harmony and satisfy the economic, social, and other requirements of future and present American generations Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
With NEPA, Congress obliges Federal agencies to study the effects of their actions and consider the reasonable alternatives to those actions through the preparation of Environmental Assessments or Environmental Impact Statements. Therefore through the FAA Airports and Tenants with actions on Airport property that could change the Airports Layout by for example adding a building are required to go through the NEPA Process. The FAA has also designated actions that may qualify for a categorical exclusion from any formal environmental review. Links with more information on the NEPA Process, categorical exclusions, and current NEPA Studies being conducted by the Lafayette Airport Commission are provided below.
- FAA NEPA Environmental Program Information
- NEPA Implementing Instructions for Airport Actions
- FAA Environmental Policy and Guidance Resources
- FAA Information on NEPA categorical exclusion
- Current Lafayette Airport Commission NEPA Studies
Informational Brochures
- Illicit Discharge Prevention
- Stormwater
- Process Wastewater
- Aircraft Deicing
- Vehicle and Equipment Washing
- Spill Response
- Reportable Quantities Part A
- Reportable Quantities Part B
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures
- General Best Management Practices
- Waste – Part A: Nonhazardous Waste Overview
- Waste – Part B: Hazardous Waste Overview
- Waste – Part C: Hazardous Waste Generators
- Waste – Part D: Solid Waste
- Waste – Universal Waste
- Impaired Waterbodies
- TMDLs – Total Maximum Daily Loads
- Vehicle and Equipment Washing BMPs
- Leaf and Grass Blowing
- About Your Home Sewer Treatment System
Additional information and public events can be found at the following sites:
- Keep Louisiana Beautiful
- Bayou Vermilion Preservation Association
- Lower Mississippi River Keepers
- Lafayette Consolidated Government Environmental Quality
- Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Enviroschool
- EPA Greener Products
- Do’s and Don’ts of pest control
- LDEQ Pollution Prevention Webpage
If you would like to provide any input on our program, report an illicit discharge, dumping or file and environmental complaint, please do so by contacting:
Ashley Simon
Environmental Compliance Officer
Lafayette Airport Commission